Frequently Asked Questions

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With whatever we can. Preparing cost analysis, establishing team roles, creating roadmaps. Defining business goals, key business values, target users, main features, prioritising

We can assist you with creating user personas, mock-ups, user stories, time frame, establishing project status and preparing project estimation

Both have their benefits and flaws. Mobile apps are surely more expensive but can provide you with many more data collecting, monetisation capabilities than web applications. Progressive Web Apps are a good compromise between a mobile and web app.  But remember that sooner or later you may need both mobile and web app and when that moment comes we’re here for you 🙂

To give you a precise answer we must prepare a project scope and create a budget. We shall tell you how much of that scope can be completed within the budget and we’ll be able to estimate how long will it take after at least a month of work

We evaluate the result after every two weeks, we test our work (we conduct both development and acceptance tests), we present it to you, we apply your feedback so you know you get what you are paying for

We’ll be more than happy to help you with that. Beginning with a UX Audit (if applicable) through improving your system architecture and adding new features.

We have more than 10 years of business experience. We’ve worked with and completed projects containing CMS pages, Shopify and large scale applications using variety of technologies such as ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS and so on… 

Regarding to client data we use GDPR and CCPA and when it comes to technology we use a variety of technologies such as two-factor authentication, encryption, integrated malware protections and blockchain technology

Of course! Assuming there’s a business outcome tied to modernizing your legacy app.

Simply moving an old system into a new technology is often fraught with peril. This is known as the second-system syndrome: “Make it do the same things as the old one.” Quite often in these situations there are changes that needed to happen in addition to updating the underlying technology. These types of efforts often seem straightforward, but they rarely are.

Many customers take over the long-term care and feeding of systems we build. In those cases, we work closely with those teams to make sure that transition is effortless and drama-free. In other situations, customers need continued outside support. We have support plans if customers don’t have the right team ready to take over the product, although long-term we encourage them to grow the capability internally. A Maintenance and Evolution engagement can be as simple as making sure the software is up-to-date and secure, or a hybrid model where we fix bugs and add new features.

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