The final phase of a project is testing if everything works as a charm , we are committed to give you the best results at the end.
Quality assurance is a set of activities to ensure that a website meets the specified requirements, the agreed-upon standards and procedures, and the best practices. It checks the website for any errors, weaknesses, and potential points of failure before it goes live, or becomes available to real users.
We use Cypress to do automated testing , but our team offers more than automated technology , if needed manual testing is available , our team has its own division which does manual testing.
Cypress is a purely JavaScript-based front-end testing tool built for the modern web. It aims to address the pain points developers or QA engineers face while testing an application. Cypress is a more developer-friendly tool that uses a unique DOM manipulation technique and operates directly in the browser. Cypress also provides a unique interactive test runner in which it executes all